Real Property Act 1886

This legislation is affected by amending provisions that have not yet come into operation or taken effect. Only amendments that have commenced are incorporated.

(Authorised) Historical (09 September 2021 - 21 June 2023, Authorised) Historical (19 March 2021 - 08 September 2021, Authorised) Historical (01 May 2020 - 18 March 2021, Authorised) Historical (03 October 2019 - 30 April 2020, Authorised) Historical (31 January 2019 - 02 October 2019, Authorised) Historical (24 October 2017 - 30 January 2019, Authorised) Historical (08 December 2016 - 23 October 2017, Authorised) Historical (04 July 2016 - 07 December 2016, Authorised) Historical (27 April 2015 - 03 July 2016, Authorised) Historical (01 July 2014 - 26 April 2015, Authorised) Historical (01 January 2013 - 30 June 2014, Authorised) Historical (27 September 2012 - 31 December 2012, Authorised) Historical (01 February 2010 - 26 September 2012, Authorised) Historical (01 June 2009 - 31 January 2010, Authorised) Historical (04 September 2006 - 31 May 2009, Authorised) Historical (01 July 2006 - 03 September 2006, Authorised) Historical (24 November 2003 - 30 June 2006, Authorised) Historical (03 March 2003 - 23 November 2003) Historical (28 January 2000 - 02 March 2003) Historical (01 January 2000 - 27 January 2000) Historical (29 July 1999 - 31 December 1999) Historical (04 November 1996 - 28 July 1999) Historical (01 September 1995 - 03 November 1996) Historical (01 July 1995 - 31 August 1995) Historical (01 January 1995 - 30 June 1995) Historical (15 September 1994 - 31 December 1994) Historical (15 January 1994 - 07 September 1994) Historical (18 February 1993 - 14 January 1994) Historical (06 July 1992 - 17 February 1993) Historical (21 May 1992 - 05 July 1992) Historical (02 August 1990 - 20 May 1992)

The legislative history at the back of the Act provides detail about the past and future operation of the Act.

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Subordinate Legislation

Notices 1976+
Act (Fees)Gazette 7.5.2020 p929
Act (Fees)Gazette 22.10.2020 p4909
Act (Fees)Gazette 6.5.2021 p1342
Act (Fees)Gazette 10.6.2021 p2180
Act (Fees)Gazette 17.6.2021 p2238
Act (Fees)Gazette 5.5.2022 p1066
Act (Fees)Gazette 1.12.2022 p6802
Act (Fees)Gazette 18.5.2023 p1215
Act (Fees)Gazette 16.5.2024 p1169
s 223LI(4)Gazette 12.5.1988 p1194
s 223LI(3)Gazette 17.5.1990 p1363
s 223LI(4)Gazette 30.5.1991 p1732
s 223LI(4)Gazette 16.4.1992 p1158
s 223LI(4)Gazette 8.4.1993 p1259
s 223LI(4)Gazette 22.4.1993 p1453