Admission of Students

The University of Hartford welcomes applications from qualified students who will benefit from an association with an institution known for excellence in teaching and commitment to students. Each year, the Committee on Admission selects an entering class from more than 15,000 applicants. In doing so, the committee considers many factors, including the strength and composition of the secondary school or previous college program, especially in relation to the applicant’s desired program of study; rank in class; results of standardized test scores; character and motivation; participation and leadership in school and community activities; and recommendations. It is important for applicants to realize that the goal of the admission committee is to match students’ talents, abilities and achievements with the many opportunities for growth and development throughout the campus. Acceptance to the University, therefore, implies a strong belief in the student’s ability to meet the challenges of the academic program as well as to make significant contributions to the life of the University community.

Students are accepted for admission in either the fall or the spring semester. Although there are no strict application deadlines, candidates for admission to the entering class will be best served if applications are received by December 1 for entrance in January and by February 1 for entrance in September.

Applications are processed and reviewed throughout the year; students are notified of the admission decision on a rolling basis, usually within two to three weeks after all required materials have been received.

Requests for applications and descriptive literature should be addressed to the Office of Admission and Student Financial Assistance, University of Hartford, 200 Bloomfield Avenue, West Hartford, CT 06117; or call 800.947.4303; or visit

Requirements for Admission

A candidate for admission to the University of Hartford must be a graduate of, or student who will be graduated from, an accredited secondary school, or must have passed a state secondary school equivalency examination.

For detailed academic requirements and other specific information for admission to a particular college of the University, see the appropriate section of this Bulletin for that college.

Credentials and Procedures

To consider a candidate, the Committee on Admission requires

  1. an application form (supplied on request by the Office of Admission and Student Financial Assistance or to be completed online) and the application fee;
  2. an official transcript of the secondary school record; official college transcripts, if any; and
  3. official results of the Scholastic Assessment Test (SAT) of the College Board or the American College Testing Program (ACT).
  4. At least one letter of recommendation

Hartt Applicants

Candidates for The Hartt School must complete The Hartt School Application along with a music evaluation consisting of an audition, music theory test, and music aptitude test and/or interview. Students should schedule appointments for this evaluation according to dates specified by The Hartt School.

Art Applicants

Each applicant to the Hartford Art School is required to have a portfolio review, at which 10 to 15 pieces of original work should be presented. Students should schedule appointments according to the dates specified by the Hartford Art School.

Transfer Applicants

Students who have completed 30 semester hours of transfer credits from other universities or colleges may be excused from submitting high school records and test scores for an admission decision. Students with less than thirty completed semester hours at the time of application must submit their standardized test scores (SAT/ACT) and their official final high school transcript, or an official GED score report.

Interviews/Campus Visits

A personal interview is not a requirement for admission to the University, but is strongly recommended as an opportunity to exchange information. Candidates are encouraged to visit the University and to avail themselves of either a personal interview or group information session with an admission officer. Appointments for interviews should be made with the Office of Admission and Student Financial Assistance well in advance. Tours of the campus, conducted by current students, leave from the Office of Admission and Student Financial Assistance regularly on weekdays and most Saturdays during the academic terms. Call the Admission office for a Saturday schedule, or check online at Special arrangements may be made for interested students to meet with a faculty member or to attend one or two classes. Overnight accommodations are available to prospective students. Interested students can find more information at, or contact the Office of Admission and Student Financial Assistance at 800.947.4303.

Orientation Programs

Each full-time student entering in the fall semester is expected to attend one of the Preview Orientation sessions held during the summer preceding entry. The University also has a Fall Orientation program called Liftoff, held immediately prior to the start of classes. Both programs are designed to facilitate a smooth transition for students to life at the University.

The Preview Orientation program provides a general introduction to college life by enabling students to attend the University for a day-and-a-half period over the summer during which time they meet with University faculty, staff, and students. Individual academic programs are planned in consultation with faculty advisors, and the registration process is completed during the program. An important part of the Preview program is the opportunity for new students to meet student leaders and student advisors. Students who live a great distance from the University or for other compelling reasons find it difficult to attend the May or June sessions may attend the final Preview session in August. Parents are also encouraged to attend one of these Orientation sessions. A separate program is provided for those parents who elect to attend.

Fall Orientation is designed to provide a more in-depth and comprehensive introduction to University life for all new students and includes exciting and informative programs covering social, developmental, and academic areas.

Full-time students entering in January are expected to attend the Orientation/registration program held immediately preceding the beginning of spring semester classes.

For more information, call 860.768.7003.

Candidates’ Reply Date Agreement

The University subscribes to the Candidates’ Reply Date Agreement of the College Entrance Examination Board, which allows admitted students until May 1 to submit the necessary deposits indicating their intention to enroll at the college of their choice. Students admitted to the University of Hartford after May 1 are typically requested to submit their deposits within two weeks of their notification of acceptance.

Standard Tests

Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT)

All candidates for first-year admission and transfer applicants who have earned fewer than 30 college credits are required to present one of two standard admission tests. The Scholastic Aptitude Test, of the College Entrance Examination Board, may be taken prior to or during the senior year. Detailed information and application forms may be secured from secondary school guidance departments or by visiting A request should be made to have official test scores sent directly to the Office of Admission and Student Financial Assistance at the University of Hartford (code 3436).

American College Testing Program

Applicants may also elect to present the official scores of the American College Testing Program, which assesses high school students’ general educational development and their ability to complete college-level work. The multiple choice tests cover four skill areas: English, mathematics, reading, and science. The Writing Test is optional. Upon completion of the test, a composite score is reported. Information and registration materials may be obtained from secondary school guidance departments or by visiting The applicant should arrange for official scores to be sent directly to the Office of Admission and Student Financial Assistance at the University of Hartford (code 0606).

Early-Admission Policy

Well-qualified high school juniors may be accepted for admission after completion of their junior year. These students must be highly recommended by their school guidance counselors as being unusually well-prepared academically and possessing the necessary maturity to begin a college-level program of study. Secondary schools involved also must agree to award diplomas to students accepted for early admission after successful completion of their first year of study at the University of Hartford. A personal interview is recommended for early-admission candidates.

Early College Credit

Credit for work completed prior to enrollment at the University of Hartford may be granted through a variety of methods. High school students who are enrolled in college level courses through a regionally accredited institution may send official transcripts from that institution for transfer credit evaluation.

Advanced Placement (AP)

The University recognizes advanced academic achievement completed in secondary schools and validated by satisfactory scores on the Advanced Placement Examinations of the Educational Testing Service. Exemption and/or college credit may be granted. Scores of 3, 4, or 5 are required (4 or 5 for English). Such credits may be used as electives, as prerequisites for more advanced courses, or to satisfy distribution requirements.

Any Advanced Placement credits earned after matriculation to the University of Hartford will be granted at the discretion of the University.

Credit for Advanced Placement Examination in studio art will be granted by the Hartford Art School at the discretion of the faculty.

College-Level Examination Program (CLEP)

Up to 27 first-year credits may be earned by taking the CLEP General Examinations (five sections: English Composition variant, including essay; Natural Sciences; Mathematics; Humanities; Social Sciences–History), sponsored by the College Entrance Examination Board. For additional information, consult a guidance counselor and the Center for Graduate and Adult Academic Services.

International Baccalaureate (IB)

The University recognizes academic achievement completed in secondary schools and validated by participation in the International Baccalaureate program. Students can earn up to 12 credits from IB work. The University of Hartford only accepts Higher Level subjects in which the student earns a score of 4-7.

Alternative Forms of Credit

The University of Hartford may consider college credit through DANTES (Defense Activity for Non-Traditional Education Support) and LINCS (Learning in Non-Credit Settings). Testing and further information regarding each program can be found by contacting the Center for Graduate and Adult Academic Services at 860.768.4371. The University will work with other accredited programs for transfer credit on a case by case basis.

Military Credit

Credit may also be granted for service-connected learning experiences as recommended by the A.C.E. Guide for Evaluation of Educational Experiences in the Armed Forces. A maximum of 15 credits may be earned through A.C.E.

International Credit

Credit from outside the United States will need to be evaluated by a NACES member. To learn more about participating organizations, please visit their website at:

Transfer Students

Qualified transfer students may be accepted for admission in either the fall or spring semester. Candidates in good standing, with cumulative grade point averages of 2.25 (for most majors) or higher from other regionally accredited institutions, who meet other stated requirements, are best qualified for transfer consideration.

Official transcripts from each institution previously attended are required, whether or not transfer credit is desired. Students who have earned fewer than 30 credits are also required to submit official final high school transcripts and, if available, SAT or ACT scores. All credentials must be sent directly from the institutions attended to the University of Hartford, Office of Admission and Student Financial Assistance.

Transfer credit is limited to work completed at regionally accredited colleges or universities in the United States or during international advanced study, as evaluated case by case based on submission by the student of relevant syllabi, course descriptions, and grading information. Previous studies should have been completed within a 10-year period immediately preceding application for admission. A minimum grade of C– at the undergraduate level is required for transfer credit. Previous courses of study must have been similar in scope and content to those offered for credit at the University of Hartford. Credits granted by previous colleges for CLEP, nontraditional learning experiences, and other examinations will be evaluated on a separate basis and require separate documentation. Grades do not transfer; the grade point average for transfer students is computed on work taken only at the University of Hartford or at University-approved study abroad programs.

Credit may be granted for service-connected learning experiences as recommended by the A.C.E. Guide for Evaluation of Educational Experiences in the Armed Forces. Forms DD214 or 295 or Course Completion Certificates should be forwarded to the Office of Admission and Student Financial Assistance.

It is required that all final official transcripts for previous study reach the Office of Admission and Student Financial Assistance within one semester after matriculation in order to qualify for consideration for transfer credit. It is the student’s responsibility to ensure that such transcripts are sent.

International Admission

Students from other countries are welcome and encouraged to apply to the University of Hartford. Admission is generally offered to students who have satisfied entry requirements for universities in their native land. While not required for admission, the Scholastic Aptitude Test (1) is recommended for all international applicants. Submitting the results of this exam will strengthen an applicant’s candidacy for admission and for scholarship consideration.

Applicants for admission whose native language is not English are required to prove their proficiency with the English Language. Proficiency can be proven by submitting the results of an English Proficiency examination, such as the International English Language Testing System (IELTS) or the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL), or by various other means as indicated in the International Student Prospectus or on the International Admission Web page,

A qualified entering undergraduate international student who is not able to prove adequate English proficiency will be required to take a University-prepared English proficiency examination prior to actual course selection and registration. A student evaluated as needing intensive assistance in developing English-language skills will begin studies in the University’s English Language Institute. The length of this program will depend on the student’s level of English proficiency. Students completing the advanced level of this program will receive 3 credits that may be applied to undergraduate degree requirements.

A certified financial statement is required of international students, confirming that all college and personal expenses are covered for the initial year of proposed attendance at the University. Students can satisfy this requirement with a letter from their sponsor’s bank or a bank statement indicating the required amount of money for the academic year. Information about the amount required can be found in the International Student prospectus or on the International Admission Web page.

Dismissed Students

A student who has been dismissed by another institution of higher education is ordinarily ineligible for admission by transfer to the University until a full semester (or six months) has elapsed since the time of dismissal or suspension. After that time, such a student may apply for admission as a full- or part-time student through the Office of Admission and Student Financial Assistance or attend as a nondegree student.

Applications should be submitted at least one month in advance of the registration period so that each student’s individual situation may be reviewed by the Committee on Admission. Official transcripts from all secondary schools and colleges previously attended must be received in the Office of Admission and Student Financial Assistance before a decision concerning admission for degree candidacy can be made.

Fresh Start Readmission

A student who has withdrawn in academic difficulty or has been academically dismissed from the University of Hartford, who has demonstrated success in either academic or nonacademic work for a significant period of time, may be considered for readmission through the Fresh Start program. A two-year period is recommended, and two semesters are considered to be a minimal interval after dismissal before Fresh Start readmission can be considered. A two-year interval is required for consideration by the College of Arts and Sciences.

The Committee on Academic Standing of the appropriate college within the University determines the candidate’s eligibility for readmission to the college. Students seeking readmission under the Fresh Start program must submit to the Office of Admission and Student Financial Assistance an application for admission as well as a letter of intent directed to the Committee on Academic Standing. Documentation of academic or work activities in the interim between dismissal and reapplication must be included with the application.

If the committee decides to approve readmission under the Fresh Start provision, the student is treated as a transfer student and the previous cumulative grade point average is eliminated. Thus, at the time of reentry under the Fresh Start readmission policy, there is no cumulative average working to the student’s disadvantage. This will not correct a quantitative, earned-credit, academic-progress deficiency. All previous grades and courses will continue to appear on the transcript, but credit for all University of Hartford courses in which grades of D have been received will be eliminated. Transfer credit for courses taken at other colleges during the interim period will be awarded according to the regular policy.

Fresh Start students who have returned under the Fresh Start readmission policy may be considered eligible for graduation with honors only if at least 60 credits have been taken subsequent to Fresh Start readmission.

Students who have not been academically dismissed, but who have left the University of Hartford with cumulative grade point averages below those required for good academic standing, may be considered for Fresh Start readmission after a minimum absence of one year(preferably two years) from the University.

All students returning under the Fresh Start readmission policy must subsequently complete a minimum of 30 credits to meet requirements for graduation, regardless of previous total credits completed at the University of Hartford and/or elsewhere. Readmission to the University can only be considered after the student’s record has been confirmed to be in good standing both academically and financially.

Deferred Enrollment

A student who is offered admission to any one of the seven schools and colleges of the University may choose to defer entrance into the University for up to one year. This time may be used for full-time employment, travel, and other considerations. Deferred entrance is only guaranteed if the student does not enroll as a full-time student at another collegiate institution, either in the United States or abroad, in which case a new application with interim grades must be submitted for consideration.

Students may apply tuition, housing, and orientation deposits (see Tuition and Fees ) in full toward future expenses in the event of deferred enrollment up to, and including, one full year from the originally intended semester of entrance. This procedure applies also to students whose deferred enrollment involves a change of status from full-time to part-time study.

Application for Degree Candidacy by Nondegree Students or for Continued Nondegree Status

Normally students may complete no more than 15 University of Hartford credits on a nondegree basis. Applications for degree status should be filed before August 1 for the fall semester and before December 1 for the spring semester. A student who wishes to continue on a nondegree basis, beyond the 15-credit limit, should submit to the director of the Center for Graduate and Adult Academic Services an application for permission to do so at least two weeks prior to the date of registration for the subsequent semester.

Evening and Summer Sessions

Special Bulletins are published with information, including course offerings, concerning the fall and spring evening sessions.

A summer Bulletin, published in March, serves as the Bulletin for the day and evening summer sessions. (For dates, please see Academic Calendar .)

Graduate Study

For information regarding graduate study, address an inquiry to the Center for Graduate and Adult Academic Services, University of Hartford, 200 Bloomfield Avenue, West Hartford, CT 06117; call 860.768.4371; or visit

In the Barney School of Business, students must file an application for admission to a graduate degree program or certificate program, or they may obtain written permission to take one course as a nondegree student. In other colleges, students are required to matriculate as degree or program candidates after the completion of 6 credits.

Requirements for Admission

A student eligible for graduate study must have received a bachelor’s degree from an accredited institution and must meet the further admission requirements of the graduate school of his/her interest. The student’s background and preparation must be such in content and scope as to indicate the ability to complete successfully the curriculum requirements of the chosen field of study.

Admission Credentials and Procedure

To consider a candidate, the Committee on Admission requires

  1. a Graduate Application for Admission and application fee (see Graduate Bulletin)
  2. complete official transcripts of all undergraduate and graduate work
  3. testing: refer to the appropriate section of the Graduate Bulletin for the individual requirements of the graduate school to which application is being made
  4. recommendations: the type and number vary from program to program
  5. letter of intent: required by some programs
  6. Other programs require specific information, such as portfolio, audition tapes, etc. Refer to the appropriate section of the Graduate Bulletin for the individual requirements of the graduate school to which application is being made.